
About this Lesson
SLEEPSMART is a shared-management approach where the child and parent assume an active role in treatment. Our goal is to provide children and parents with tools and methods to help them continue to improve their sleep once the SLEEPSMART program is over.
SLEEPSMART is highly structured and requires time, effort, and diligent adherence with weekly project assignments. Regular and consistent adherence to the entire program is the key to successful outcome.
Each week a sleep coach will check in on your progress, review your sleep diary, goals, and weekly activities to support the child’s autonomy, elicit concerns about changing and not changing, and explore ways to communicate the your views or needs.

Here We Go!
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Additional Lesson Information
The treatment that you will receive as part of this research falls under the broad umbrella of cognitive-behavior therapy, or CBT. CBT is a psychological intervention that is designed to help with some behaviors (sleep habits, sleep schedules) and thoughts and beliefs (worries about sleeplessness and its consequences) that contribute to ongoing sleep problems. The main characteristics of CBT for sleep problems are that it is sleep-focused, relatively brief (we have 6 sessions), and you and your parents get to take a very active role in your own treatment.
This treatment has been developed by clinical researchers. It is based on research and has been tested in several clinics throughout the world. This treatment has been shown to be effective with hundreds of people dealing with sleep problems similar to yours. This treatment will help improve your sleep and, most importantly, develop your knowledge of sleep and give you skills to cope better with occasional sleep difficulties you may have in the future. Although it may take more time to improve your sleep, research has shown that CBT produces sleep improvements that are maintained long after completing treatment.
Your treatment involves six weekly web-based sessions that will include: reviewing your sleep diary for the previous week, learning about how sleep works, and coming up with weekly activities designed to help you meet your goals for getting better sleep. Completing the weekly activities every week is one of the best predictors of children’s sleep improving the home project is very important!